618 - Mickey Leaks: D23 Park Announcements and a Pixar Pier deep dive
Mickey Leaks is a look behind the ears of the world's most successful entertainment company to discover what makes their magic work so well. Fresh off the heels of the D23 Expo, Mark and Sean have a lot to discuss as Bob Iger unveils whats in store over the next few years for Disney fans near and far. Every park is constantly being improved, updated, and reworked to keep newcomers and season pass holders alike coming back to keep their magic meter fully charged. D23 focused on the technology transforming several new e-ticket attractions, developing an all new experience at Galaxy's Edge, and expanding past the traditional role of hotels. Mark mocks up some slides to show the how much room the Imagineers have to work with as they rework Paradise Pier into Pixar Pier and all the potential waiting to be unlocked. We can't all be Walt, but Mickey Leaks can get us a little closer to understanding the genius behind his legacy.
Talking Points
- Transitioning from CEO to celebrity.
- Galaxy's Edge in Anaheim and the total immersive experience that's promised.
- Redefining what it means to be at an amusement park.
- Come to the dark ride.
- Flying the Millennium Falcon for Galactic Credits as a six person team.
- Nonlinear discovery and the mechanics behind telling a story that unfolds in multiple ways.
- Tron comes to Florida and Hollywood Studios makes the first Mickey themed attraction.
- Animatronic set design and video projections that make up 2 ½D.
- Epcot will get a Guardians Of The Galaxy dark ride, a Ratatouille trackless attraction, and the spacious circular restaurant.
- New York Hotels in Paris, going to space for two days with Disney, and inter-park transit.
- From Paradise Pier to Pixar Pier and the hard truth about kids today.
- A Google Maps overview of California Adventure and the potential for Pixar Fest.
- Realistic moves for Construction Adventure and all its additions that could double its footprint.
Circle Of Trust Talking Points
- From Magic to Tragic and touching back on season six's finale.
- Arya as a faceless assassin, the King Of The Whitewalkers, and the Three Eyed Raven returns.
- Does TV need to break the ice of modern day themes for uncultured viewers?
- Sansa Stark's rough road and Cersei's Trump-esque political choices.
- Sam The Apprentice, a star studded cameo, and the cynic becomes a believer.
- An epic return to Dragonstone and all the pieces move closer and closer together.
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Official Disney Press Photos.
All photos By Disney / D23
Paradise Pier To Be Redesigned As Pixar Pier By 2018

Expected Marvel Land Area Short Term Land To Be Converted

Marvel Land Long Term Land available For Expansion

William Stout is a living legend that AID got to interview during Mondo Con where he tells us about his time illustrating work that inspired the film Jurassic Park however... he also helped Disney on some attractions that never came to be and some that did.
Take a look back at Mickey Leaks Zero where Mark and Sean stay outside the gates and analyze the business behind the magic and how Disney runs it's company. With tax incentives from Anaheim and plenty of rooms to sell, there's a lot to learn in this episode.