859 - Jim Madison Comes Home! - Old Friends Come Home Week Part III

Jim Madison Returns! With a new life, a new wife but is there any more money in his savings account? Old Friends Come Home Week brings the most lovable character in AID history back to home to the show and the Circle of Trust.

Jim Madison, Print Mafia, Old Friends Week, Old Friends Week 2018
859 - Jim Madison Comes Home! - Old Friends Come Home Week Part III
Jim Madison, Print Mafia, Old Friends Week, Old Friends Week 2018
Jim Madison, Print Mafia, Old Friends Week, Old Friends Week 2018
A fire was started within the community and this is just the beginning of a conversation of just what can happen when you dive too deep without a game plan.
Old Friends, InterviewMark BrickeyJim Madison, Print Mafia, Old Friends Week, Old Friends Week 201810 Comments